What is Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD)?

Body Dysmorphic Disorder is a diagnosable mental health condition, a type of anxiety disorder which leads sufferers to worry excessively about one or more aspects of their appearance which may seem slight or non-existent to other people. Let’s discuss some key symptoms and differences between BDD and other mental health conditions. Symptoms of BDD BDD […]
What are body image issues?

Simply put, our body image is the way that we perceive our appearance, and it involves the thoughts, feelings and behaviours that we may experience and engage with as a result. The important word in the sentence above is the word ‘perceive’. The reason that this is so important is because our body image is […]
When you don’t feel Enough…

“I’m boring”, “I’m not intelligent”, “I’m unattractive. I’m too this or that……”; these are words heard frequently in the therapy room. And lying underneath these derogatory statements is a fundamental belief of “I’m not good enough”. This inner feeling of unworthiness then permeates every area of life, through choice of relationships, work progress and social engagements. […]
Social Media and Body Image Pressures

Body image plays a significant role in our emotional and psychological wellbeing. Feeling unhappy with how we look and spending a significant amount of time preoccupied with worry or anxiety about our appearance can lead to disordered eating and unsafe dieting and exercise practices, as well as feelings of depression and anxiety. Many factors contribute […]