A Guide To Help You Support Your Loved One in Eating Disorder Recovery

When someone you love struggles with disordered eating, you can feel desperate to fix the situation and make things better. As not eating seems a fundamental wrong against living and being human.  You might simultaneously feel scared, angry and confused, as you observe your loved one behaving strangely around food. ‘Why can’t you just eat […]

Learning How To Accept Weight Gain During Recovery

My mum would come home from work and see a saucepan, a plate, a knife, a fork, a cutting board and a potato masher sitting in the dish rack, drying. In the bin, she would see scrunched up foil, an empty can of peas and a pile of peeled potato skin.  I hadn’t eaten a […]

5 Powerful Ways To Silence Your Inner Critic

Understanding Your Inner Critic We all have an inner critic. You know the one? The nagging, internal voice that questions whether we are good enough. The inner critic that’s relentless in highlighting our flaws and undermining our confidence. For some, this critical voice becomes overwhelming, especially when dealing with body image issues or disordered eating. […]

Self Esteem and 4 Ways to Boost It

Self-esteem is how much we value and perceive ourselves. It’s based on our opinions and beliefs about ourselves, which also is closely linked to self-worth (how worthy we feel) and self-confidence (how capable we feel in our ability to do something). Here’s how it affects you: Self-Value: How you regard yourself matters. Recognising your inherent […]

Emotional Freedom Techniques – Tapping for Body Image

What is Tapping? Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), also known as tapping, are a powerful fusion of somatic and cognitive – connecting body and mind. Tapping can be used for a range of different issues and involves a combination of tapping on acupressure points, exposure, and cognitive statements or processes.  EFT in its current form has […]

How To Manage Intrusive Thoughts

Have you ever been up somewhere high and then had a sudden thought that you could jump off where you are, or even push someone off? You’re obviously not going to do it, but if that thought has popped into your brain out of nowhere—you are not alone. This is an intrusive thought, in fact, […]

Telling a Loved One About Your Challenges

Body image disturbances can feel extremely isolating, all-encompassing and, sometimes, even shameful. I remember when I was in recovery from my eating disorder and experiencing real distress around my body dysmorphia. I felt so ashamed of my struggles. I logically knew I should be focusing on what my body could do for me and that […]

How to Help Someone That Doesn’t Want To Be Helped

Have you ever found yourself wanting to help someone, only to be met with resistance? It can be frustrating and confusing when you see someone struggling but they refuse to accept your help. But before you get discouraged, it’s essential to understand why they might be hesitant and how you can approach the situation with […]

Movement For Emotional Regulation

What is emotional regulation? Emotional regulation is the ability to adapt your emotions in response to different situations and challenges in a healthy, balanced way, with an orientation towards restoring equilibrium. Just like a healthy heart that can increase and decrease blood flow according to internal and external demands, emotional regulation is about flexibility, and […]

Letting Go of Perfectionism

  “I’m just all-or-nothing”.  “I’m either really on it with exercise and nutrition or I’ve smashed the fuck it button”.  Does this sound familiar? If so, you’re struggling with a bad case of perfectionism.  whY IS PERFECTIONISM A PROBLEM? The origins of perfectionism are deeply rooted in a fear of not being good enough. Most perfectionists […]

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