Why Do I Need To Eat So Much During Recovery?

Understanding why you need to eat more during recovery can be somewhat confusing, but it’s a question I frequently come across in my practice. You’re definitely not alone in wondering about this. Let’s delve into some key reasons why increased nutrition is critical during this time. Your needs just got a promotion (your body requires […]
Male Eating Disorders in the UK: A Hidden Crisis?

*Trigger Warning: This article discusses struggles with body image and eating disorders which some readers may find offensive and/or triggering. Reader discretion is recommended. * Eating disorders have become hugely prevalent, casting a long shadow over society today. They are widely perceived as a predominantly female issue, however, the reality is far more complex. In […]
Reflections on Cultivating Self Worth: My Journey and Insights

Self-worth has deeply resonated with me throughout my journey as a therapist and an individual. It goes beyond being just a professional interest and has become a personal quest. Through my work and life, I have encountered many people, including myself, struggling with the question of self-worth. Cultivating self-worth is not just an outcome of […]
Supporting a Sibling with an Eating Disorder—What I Learned

Being a brother or sister to someone struggling with an eating disorder can be confusing, painful, upsetting and very difficult at times… So much so that I ended up seeking therapy for myself to try and deal with my feelings and understand a lot of the emotions I had tried to suppress when trying to […]
Self Forgiveness in Recovery: Embracing Imperfection

As a child, I experienced intense discomfort around certain foods. My imagination led me to believe that the Green Giant would steal my teeth if I didn’t eat my sweetcorn. I was plagued by fears of textures and tastes—foods that were slimy, chewy, or strongly scented would make me gag, escalating my panic. This fear […]
A Guide To Help You Support Your Loved One in Eating Disorder Recovery

When someone you love struggles with disordered eating, you can feel desperate to fix the situation and make things better. As not eating seems a fundamental wrong against living and being human. You might simultaneously feel scared, angry and confused, as you observe your loved one behaving strangely around food. ‘Why can’t you just eat […]
Learning How To Accept Weight Gain During Recovery

My mum would come home from work and see a saucepan, a plate, a knife, a fork, a cutting board and a potato masher sitting in the dish rack, drying. In the bin, she would see scrunched up foil, an empty can of peas and a pile of peeled potato skin. I hadn’t eaten a […]
5 Powerful Ways To Silence Your Inner Critic

Understanding Your Inner Critic We all have an inner critic. You know the one? The nagging, internal voice that questions whether we are good enough. The inner critic that’s relentless in highlighting our flaws and undermining our confidence. For some, this critical voice becomes overwhelming, especially when dealing with body image issues or disordered eating. […]
Self Esteem and 4 Ways to Boost It

Self-esteem is how much we value and perceive ourselves. It’s based on our opinions and beliefs about ourselves, which also is closely linked to self-worth (how worthy we feel) and self-confidence (how capable we feel in our ability to do something). Here’s how it affects you: Self-Value: How you regard yourself matters. Recognising your inherent […]
Emotional Freedom Techniques – Tapping for Body Image

What is Tapping? Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), also known as tapping, are a powerful fusion of somatic and cognitive – connecting body and mind. Tapping can be used for a range of different issues and involves a combination of tapping on acupressure points, exposure, and cognitive statements or processes. EFT in its current form has […]