Supporting #beachmindready and Been There: How Corporates Can Foster Positive Body Image and Better Mental Health

Promoting positive body image and mental health is not just the responsibility of individuals and charities. Corporates, with their resources and influence, can play a crucial role in supporting initiatives like Been There’s #beachmindready campaign. In this post, we will explore how corporates can contribute to this important cause and foster a culture of body […]
Body Acceptance: Learning to Accept your Body

In today’s world and the continuous rise in social media, we’re not only being bombarded by society’s perception of beauty, but also receiving messages about loving yourself how you are. The truth is that oftentimes, being told to love yourself can also seem too much of jump from where you’re at right now. For many […]
Embracing Inclusivity and Body Diversity: Getting #BeachMindReady for Every Body

Been There’s #BeachMindReady campaign hopes to shift the focus from restrictive ideals and celebrate the beauty and diversity of every body. Embracing inclusivity and body diversity is essential for fostering positive self-image and creating a beach culture that accepts and celebrates all individuals. In this blog post, we’ll explore the significance of promoting and embracing […]
How to help your friend get #beachmindready

Going to the beach can be a real mountain to climb when you don’t feel right in your own skin. When looking around and noticing that every other body shape feels like an improvement from your own, it can be hard to try and tackle those overwhelming feelings of deflation and to scrap the idea […]
Mentoring for Been There: Empowering Others on the Journey to Body Image Recovery

Recovering from body image struggles is a remarkable achievement that comes with a unique perspective and wisdom. If you have successfully overcome your own battles with body image you may be in a position to consider taking the step to become a mentor for Been There.Mentoring offers an incredible opportunity to support and empower others […]
How you can be a part of Been There’s #BeachMindReady campaign; 7 easy steps to make a big difference

Do you feel angry about the unrealistic ‘beach body’ goal the media serves us each year? Do you agree that people should be able to enjoy the summer without feeling judged by themselves or others? If so, then why not help us get Britain talking about being ‘Beach Mind Ready’ this summer? Here’s how you […]
The Role of the Media in Shaping ‘Beach Body’ Ideals: Navigating the Waves of Unrealistic Expectations

As summer approaches, we are bombarded with images of flawless bodies that are deemed the epitome of a “perfect” beach body. But have you ever wondered about the role media plays in shaping these ideals and the impact it has on our self-perception? In a review “Social media and body image: Recent trends and future […]
Deconstructing the ‘Beach Body Ready’ concept and 5 steps to a more positive body image

Summer is here, and with it comes the notorious phrase that often haunts us: “beach body ready.” The concept of the “beach body” has long been perpetuated by media, social norms, and unrealistic beauty standards. But have you ever stopped to question its origins and the detrimental impact it can have on our self-esteem and […]
What’s #BeachMindReady All About?

It’s the start of summer and anxieties are rising more than the temperature! We know (not just because we’ve Been There) that summer is a triggering time for millions of body image sufferers. The thought of being in swimwear in public and feeling so exposed can lead to people missing out on so much. “You […]
10 Tips For Enjoying Time At The Beach

If you’ve had body image issues you know all about the feeling of beach dread – that ball of anxiety in your stomach at the thought of being in swimwear in public. The increased heart rate as you get closer to the beach and realise it’s going to be time to take off that T-shirt […]