Useful links

You may find some of the below websites helpful to find the extra support you need.

Please note that the links do not represent any endorsement from Been There and we cannot be held responsible or liable for the content within them. 

NHS Helplines

  1. NHS Emergency Services – call 999
  2. NHS Non-Emergency Services – call 111
  3. Contact your  GP who can assess and refer you for free to NHS eating disorder specialists if you need further help and support.
  4. NHS Urgent Mental Health Helplines – England only. Speak to your local NHS mental health service (requires your age and postcode)

Immediate Crisis Links 

  1. Shout: 85258 – Free text to access immediate, confidential support if you are struggling to cope with your mental health. Open 24/7.
  2. Samaritans: 988- Free call or text to access confidential telephone support if you are suffering with mental health, suicidal thoughts or self-harm. Open 24/7.
  3. SOS Silence of Suicide: 0808 115 1505. Free call or text from 8pm-12pm weekdays, or 4pm-12pm weekends. Suicide prevention and emotional wellbeing helpline aiming to reduce silence, stigma and shame. 

Non-Crisis Links and Resources For Ongoing Mental Health Support

General Mental Health Support

  1. NHS Talking Therapies (self-referral) – to help alleviate symptoms of stress and worry, and to support those with disorders including anxiety, depression and PTSD. 
  2. CALM: 0800 58 58 58 – Free helpline or web chat available everyday between 5pm-12pm for people over 15 years old. They provide accessible guides on a variety of mental health and life challenges, including support and self-help information, as well as help for carers/loved ones.
  3. SANE: 0300 304 7000 – free call SANEline between 4pm-10pm daily. You can also join the SANE community, access email and text services and find useful resources to support your mental health. Support is also available for carers and loved ones.
  4. Better Help – the world’s largest therapy service, operating entirely online to remove traditional access barriers to mental health support. 
  5. MIND – the UK’s most prominent mental health charity offering a range of resources and specific support for different mental health disorders. Also includes help for loved ones. Find your local branch here
  6. Rethink Mental Illness – a mental health charity with a network of local groups and services. Rethink provides expert advice, information and resources about the rights and restrictions available to people affected by mental health issues, in addition to a range of online an in-person supports.
  7. Scottish Association for Mental Health – Scotland’s leading mental health charity offering online and in-person mental health support and resources for people in Scotland. 
  8. Turning Point – resources, advice and support for people struggling with mental health, sexual health, addiction and other challenges.
  1. Hub of Hope – directory of support for individuals and carers experiencing a range of life challenges and mental disorders.

Eating Disorder Charities and Resources

  1. BEAT – The UK’s primary eating disorder charity providing a wealth of resources, helplines and support groups for those suffering with ED and their carers and loved ones. Call, chat and email helplines are available from 3pm-8pm on weekdays. You can also find ED services near you via their BEAT Help Finder.
  2. The National Centre For Eating Disorders – find our more about eating disorders, connect with a breakthrough transformation counsellor, and access online support. 
  3. Seed – Support and Empathy for People with Eating Disorders – “although not a Clinical Service, Seed will do their best to support, advise and signpost sufferers, carers and loved ones appropriately, by giving people the tools to enable them to cope on a daily basis”.
  4. Talk Ed – a national peer-led charity offering resources, befriending, and nutritional coaching for ED.

Specialised Eating Disorder Support (Private)

  1. The Body Image Treatment Clinic (London) – online or in person treatment for body image and eating disorders including compassion-based psychotherapy, body image treatment programmes and tailored dietetic support.
  2. The London Centre (London) – offering a range of therapeutic, psychological and psychiatric support for body image and eating disorders online or face-to-face, for individuals, couples and families of all ages.
  3. Treating Disorders – online eating disorder therapy. 
  4. Orri – providing online, face-to-face and blended support for eating disorders, as well as an extensive range of resources and blog posts to aid further understanding of EDs and recovery.

Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD)

  1. Body Dysmorphic Disorder Foundation – the only charity in the world that exclusively supports people with BDD, providing education resources, raising awareness and hosting online support groups. They also provide a private therapist database alongside useful tips for finding a therapist who specialises in BDD.


  1. Anxiety UK – resources to help you learn and understand more about anxiety. You can ‘Ask Anxia’ if you have any queries about anxiety. They also have a call and text service (10:30-4:30 weekdays, usual contact fees may apply).

Young People 

  1. The Mix – for people aged 11-25. They provide 1:1 online chats (4pm-11pm on weekdays), email support, and counselling services.
  2. Young Minds – mental health support, resources, training and consultancy for young people up to age 25. They also provide a parent helpline for parents with children who are struggling with their mental health. 

 LGBT+ Community

  1. LGBT Foundation: 0345 3 30 30 30 – Free call between 9:00am-8:30pm on weekdays; 10:00-5:30pm weekends, or email
  2. Gendered Intelligence – a trans-led, trans-inclusive charity aiming to ensure trans, non-binary and gender questioning individuals live healthy, safe and fulfilled lives. They offer a database of trans-friendly therapists, as well as youth groups, individual and family support, and helpful resources.
  3. Pink Therapy – connect with an accredited therapists from the LGBT+ community. They also offer a range of different types of therapy including Art Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Body Psychotherapy.

Alternative therapies


Yoga is an ancient Indian spiritual practise. Regular practise has long been established as physically, mentally and spiritually beneficial.

  1. The Calm Space – The Importance of practising yoga for mental health
  2. Do Yoga With Me – free, on-demand yoga classes suitable for beginners through to advanced practitioners.


Meditation & Mindfulness:

The NHS recommend meditation/mindfulness to help people cope with anything from general every day stressors to mental health conditions, including body dysmorphia

  1. Every Mind Matters – a gentle introduction to meditation with signposting to further resources.
  2. Insight Timer – free app that contains over 200,000 meditations covering everything from anxiety and depression to sleep and body image issues. Suitable for beginners through to experts.



Acupuncture is a form of complementary medicine derived from traditional Chinese medicine where thin needles are inserted into the body at strategic points stimulating chemical releases that promote healing, relieve pain, and rebalance the body’s vital energies and activities.

  1. British Acupuncture Council -directory to find an accredited acupuncturist
  2. British Acupuncture Federation



Reiki is a type of energy healing that aids wellbeing and aims to support people physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. It is typically used as a complementary practise alongside more conventional therapies.

  1. First Steps– What is Reiki and How Does it Work?
  2. The Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council– directory to find an accredited Reiki practitioner as well as other accredited practitioners of complementary medicines and practices.

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